yeah, sho shit...
theres about 10 selected few that just say dumb shit that has no meaning...
If they hi-jack your thread, just tell them to get the fuck out!! lol
hit me up when u get a chance.... theres nothin more that I love talkin about than the wonderful trees.....
once again...
haha damn!!! maybe not THAT similar but, just not as bad yet on mine.....
Well so far I know that I have a Nitrogen deficiency....
and by the looks of it, either a Potassium or a Magnesium deficiency....... or both.
Possibly a little splash of some grow big next watering????
I also found a link to another picture w/ a magnesium deficiency...
I think that this looks very similar....
SNOW-WHITE.NL - WOLKENWIETJE.NL - Photo gallery - cannabis, weed, marijuana.
ssshhh.... dont tell anyone but thats where I got my answer as well....
haha... lol
I do know that I have a nitrogen deficiency- but!!! I believe this is something more...
I have been picking up PALE yellow leaves lately, w/o the blotches thats why Im also leaning towards...
Im posting what I can, sorry for no close ups guys... if it helps, the plant is lookin like a light green also.... not the "emerald" green we all long for
tip: I voted
but the point of the game is to find if I am correct as well.... so Im not sure if my answer is 100% correct..... I NEED MORE GAMERS!!!! lol
Alright.. I have 2 pics of leaves.... theres 3 options....
potassium deficiency
magnesium deficiency
nitrogen deficiency
****If you believe it is something other than the 3 listed, submit reply.
Im doing this to hopefully make a little fun, and hopefully to come up w/ the answer...
OMG not another thread where people have fucking tourettes syndrome and just blurt out meaningless retarded shit...:spew:
damn, these fools made me sick, sorry....
Im Graf, Nice to meet you Dexro.... I see that u joined in April... how you like it so far?! (ssshhhh.... dont tell...
hahaha, UF- I do know that you are pretty knowledgeable but, whats the point in calling someone a bitch for just trying to/ or actually proving something to you???
I doubt we will get a good answer from you but, wont hurt to try...