Hi kind sir, I use GO and in my experience you'll have quite the mess in there! the GO line is great! (in soil), though i do find it to be a bit hot when used per their instructions... visit jrpeters.com they have a new hydro line up that ive been using in dwc. the hydro herb formula is quite...
thx, I've read that, I don't know how many times. in the past 6 or so months, it didn't help this prob but it is handy.
I have both of those charts as well, I usually don't have many problems and I do a lot of reading before I post for help. (old school male) I'm an espoma/jack's classic user I...
Thank you so very much DS, and to you too CI, I was thinking phosphorous diff also. and that didn't really help much
when I did add p and I did mean to say my soil is fairly alkaline around 7.5 my water I feed is 5.5-6 and my run off is right around 7.
But Snowball I think you just struck a...
bishop & Prep thank you, oh yeah they're in soil in 3 gal pots. I'm wondering if it is in fact nute burn or ph I'm not sure it's definitely not the "normal" yellowing I usually experience. I'll figure it out, I am using general organics complete lineup as per their directions...
Thank you so...
I water every other day or so whenever it's dry I break up the top crust to see if it's moist or not. That doesn't sound right to me. thank you for the very fast response anyway. I did try backing off the nutrients already and that's when the one plant dropped all those leaves.
Here's a photo of a leaf i have 3 plants affected ph is between 5.5-6 been using GO box as per the directions and am about 6 weeks into flower.one plant got it so bad all the large older fan leaves were lost. the all get weak and come off if lightly brushed within 24hrs of leaf starting to turn...
I'm very curious to know how it's going with this, especially the GO line-up in the dwc. Are you experiencing any problems like slime on the roots in the dwc using the GO line?
I thought it was supposed to be one drop per gal, thats how ive used it for years, I mean the bottle even says one drop a gallon. You'd think the inventor might know his own ratios after 30+ years of product availability. Anyway if using that much per gal isnt giving you issues Awesome!!! But I...
I have no idea what this is supposed to do but I always just go right into it starting with 12 of dark and all works fine. But like he said, It is all up to you.
I use it also, Jack I was wondering when you mix your medium with the plant tone do you go ahead and add the bulb tone?
I've never used the bulb tone in flower. i could make a tea with it though.
Ditto here also, Im growing organic soil and dwc and my organics are espoma all the way! Plant tone does indeed rock! Now if they'd just make an expanded liquid line-up... I was trying to "brew" some tea and well... Another time. Espoma!
I know this was posted a long time ago and that I shouldn't be bringing up old shit but I just had to let dippy here know as I hope others have that, Crabs and Shrimp are both animals my4th grade teacher told me so yesterday during science....