Thanks for the advice Amber.
I actually think I will be going back to collections. It sucks as a job, and is extremely stressful, but I am good at it (really good) and I can make a lot of money doing it.
Strain dependent as far as what comes out of what bag... If you have a strain with smaller trichs, then you can get away with using a smaller size micron bag.
Wheels problem with dry ice wasnt unwanted plant material, but more of having unwanted DOGHAIR in it... lmfao
Glad to hear your face is healing so quickly. That makes me happy.
Clone is looking ok, are you just feeding it water?
As far as the macro/zoom info, I have found that it is not needed.
For instance, the photo that I sent to you was taken with no zoom. I only used the macro setting on the...
I have been avoiding going back to collections because of the amount of stress it put me under, but at this point, I am just going to have to suck it up. It is something I am good at, and I can make some good money doing it.
Once things are stable, I can return to what I enjoy, but in the...
i know the feeling to be told something was going to happen, or be a certain way only to find out the exact opposite.
Im in a shitty mood today.
Prior to moving, I was told that I would have a whole room to use for growing... however the gal that we are staying with, that told me that is going...
I have cloned tops in the past, to no ill effects. They seem to root fine to me.
As far as my best strain, that is a hard question to answer... I am partial to all of them, and I have a lot of stuff that I have yet to grow as well.
It is very hard to pick a favorite when they are all good in...