neither can i boys bouncing out of state, back to where hes from. it wuz more a less a 1time deal and after i chopped those 8 huge male papyas..he only charged me 350 for the 11 all female massive clones. so for 700 bills i had those and ur cloner, now self sufficient will all the same shit...
are u gonna prune that blueberry or lollipop her, shes looking like a hedge bush! also ss are u gonna start cloning ur established females, especially all these bomb strains uve bought by seed?
ive been finding that the doc doom aersol bottle of pyrithium (which burned the shit out of my plants last cycle), really helps if u just spray the pots and floor with the shit, they BOUNCE OUT
ya i miss daffyduck and all those old cartoons.. loved the ongoing battle w/. roadrunner and coyote..never gets old. I also miss spy vs spy in Mad Magazine
no questions i can think of.. we should talk slip... pm me again and ill call later when i get home from work ... got the new bresnan line like U.. talk at u soon.
ive got bonsi roots everywhere in my cloner if that makes u feel better, like crazy. i transplanted like 18 of em to sytrofoam cups and soil last night. thriving . it wuz just the left overs from the old diy cloner that i put in the ezcloner that kinda rotted from being in cloners for a month...
just saw that the paper after u said something.. holy shit karma is a bitch. he has no dad, mom is it, and looks like shes going for a nice ride to prison. i knew theyguy she killed , their stepdad and her husband..actually a good guy. the lemlers are nothing but a virus....
i dont see why u couldnt use a 10 or 12 inch inline to pull on 1 side and maybe another or a booster on the other side, maybe pushing intake over the cooltubes, and the 12 incher pulling from the exhaut side..
buy a ozone generator...i just got 1 and im really happy with it. makes it smell sterile outside of my OP where i have it setup..real clean sent instead of chron.
*im assuming hes saying clone as in seedling???? then sure .. a cutting off a any plant will go to flower w. out roots in a cup of water, if left in the dark. will prob die too. unless water is changed, and most likely would fail to root under 12 12 conditions. but either way u can take cuttings...
c i had already predicted that from the pic..damn im good..nah im just playn ..but ya those 400's will def do the trick for 1 plant or a few..but i ddid notice some stretchness for sure in ur pics..
checked her out.. healthy but a lil stretchy for my taste...did u veg under the 430 the entire time or wuz it under cfl orginally?? i like my plants bushy heres some rep at u thou Nelly +