Most people veg the plant for 4-6 weeks. When you switch to 12/12 your plant will grow explosively and may double or more in size. If we knew the strain we might be able to find out how much it grows, or at least a ball park.
hmmm... that seems to change things.
If they had just been making a lighthearted joke about MJ smoke in NY they wouldnt have answered that way. They would at least have been conciliatory. This sounds like they mean it to be in you face.
Taking your business elsewhere is nothing like...
Yeah it's in bad taste. It's like using a photo of the devastation from a tsunami or an earthquake as the setting for a joke. But it's not the end of the world.
My guess is that it's a mistake. They didn't mean to offend and misjudged. It's never smart to offend people in business. Most...
Guys lets remember this is Newbie Central. The OP doesn't need a discourse on the merits of all the different kinds of lighting choices. So let's not go there. There are a couple of hot threads where blood is being spilled and reputations ruined over this topic. Plenty of fun to be had there...
Perhaps the fact that several people have objected to what and how you said things is proof that your communication skills need some polishing.
It's not a matter of interpretation. The things you said in that first post were nasty and their meaning was nasty.
It's an old trick to provoke someone to the point where he loses self control and then use that as justification for continued abuse. You opened with a very hostile statement. I'm surprised GTA held out as long as he did.
That was pretty unpleasant and totally unjustified. It was certainly not 'feeling him out' it was provocation.
We help anyone who wants to grow for any reason. That's the basic mandate of RollItUp. There are lot of people here growing to sell, we help them too. There was nothing in his...
LED grow lights are a developing technology. Some are crappy and some are quite effective. The good ones are a lot more expensive than either HPS or MH with a ballast. HPS/MH lights are a proven cost effective light source. The choice of most personal and nearly all pro growers.
Most of my life I've had to buy ganja. If there hadn't been dealers willing to sell it, I would have been out of luck until I could grow which wasnt possible for a long time. I and others I have known have needed MJ for medical reasons and had no choice but to buy it illegaly.
If I rely on...
I would. I would start with 4" like you have it now and lower it slowly. By the time the second set of true leaves have grown out a bit the light should be about 2".
I agree with what others have said. You don't have a problem now. She looks normal. But when the leaves appear she will...
Tx jonBlaze. Had never heard of them before. Had to look them up.
So this is the source for this shocking piece of information?
If the inscriptions on those stones were a recipe for MJ brownies I would trust them enough to try it but somehow the prediction that 97% of the human race is to...
Yes you can and it will probably be fine. MJ plants can go hermie if their photoperiod is disrupted but usually we are talking about something much more serious than this. I doubt there's any real chance of that here but if it were me, I would be careful anyway and make the change incrementaly
I see. It's a strange use of the word but I see what you are saying :)
a : essential nature : essence b : a fundamental or characteristic part or quality c Christian Science : god 1b
a : ultimate reality that underlies all outward manifestations and change b : practical...