You'll be very happy with the outcome!! calibri is great too. Not as good as vector, but still clean ass shit compared to other brands. BHO oil taste sooo incredible. Imagine the best tasting hit you've gotten of your plant and intensify that by 10 lol.
Not in potency but it does change how long it lasts. Think about it. You press all the resin heads, they pop, and all the oil drys out. You just lost half your flavor in a week. Even in a dark cool place.
ya the reason is dry kief has small particles of leaf in it. Because its dry its impossible just to get resin heads. Very small pieces of plant matter fall threw the screen and this makes the kief not stik together.. Bubble hash is wayyyyy purer. Just resin, so it sticks to itself with little...
true tinyTURTLE, but iso taste like shit compared to bho.. Even if you use just hash. ive already tried this numerous times. iso still melts all the resin shafts and all the parts you dont want.. ALL you want is resin HEADS.. Not everything else. only way to get pure resin from inside the heads...
Isoprophyl is a polar and butane is a non polar. Polar will strip chlorophyl from plant matter, while non polar wont melt the chlorophyll. If you want impure oil use iso. Taste decent. If you want incredible pure oil use butane.
haah true it is very bomb!! Nice thick glouds. Another thing i sometimes do is i put my 18 mm vap to my 18 mm bong. pack hash on screen and put the vap over it. Works better with an extension peice.(swap mouth piece off With Piece to hook up to glass on glass bong.) Still works great though. vap...
rzza i smoke alot of hash.. just pack in a bong or do knife hits. Just heat 2 butter knives together till the tips are red hot, then put hash in middle and squeeze knifes together. inhale smoke with water bottle with bottom cut out. also, you can use an empty toilet paper roll...
Your theory is true because some of the buds i put in a few jars a little sooner and they smelled really hay/green. The rest was done properly. dried until stem cracks but does not snap, and outer layer feels crispy. This entire cure has been such a head ache lol.
Lucky you, i wish i had some good green to burn. my hash taste like pineapples so i'm sure the bud would of been killer! Hmm I can only hope theres a miricle cure or im gunna be making more hash
Ok so i harvested my first plant. out door sativa, unknown. I let it completely finish flowering, cut it, but because of my hot temperatures in Southern California it was dry in 2 days.(This being mid October) The problem is it still taste kinda green. I was hoping it was going to go away with...
Hey everyone, just had a question for ya. Lately I've been a little worried. My sativa hybrid is a 10 week flowering plant. It's now on it's 12th week and still no amber trichomes. Maybe 1-2 percent. 98 percent milky. I'm just woundering how fast does it take for a plant to start really getting...
awsome dude! That blueberry sounds like some kill!! Mmm lol thanks for the beer top idea. That's a lot more effective than keeping it in a shot glass! Lmao
Now I'm really confused.. I just pressed it all together, and it's texture is just like hash. 1 difference. Shits sparkiling like a fuking diamond!! No joke looks like it as glitter in it minus the actuall glitter. I'm soo tripped out. Shit sparkling like gold. Danm I wish my camera worked!!