It did burn pretty bad, but it stopped the bleeding and everything;
I got it all fixed up=]
It just throbs and is sore as fuck lol.
I put 2 different kinds of neosporin on it; One was a triple antiboitic, and the other had pain reliever in it.
So hopefully, it turns out alright lol.
Lol I always get him high and he runs up and down my stairs or back and fourth on the back of the couch, it's hilarious lol.
He is a little cutie!
He gives me kisses =]
He's such a silly kitty!
Oh, how I love my little Cheech!! =]
He got such a name for himself because I let him take a whiff off a fatty and he gripped it up with his claws and wouldn't give it back lol.
And ironically enough, he sits and chills with me every time I get on riu lol.
He's such...
Lol I was thinking about super glue- If skin glue didn't exist, b/c I never heard of it before lol.
But I got my daddy to run out and get some of that NuSkin stuff=]
I've seen people who got stitches, and it looks pretty bad.
Plus I think my skull getting whacked open is nothing compared to getting stitches lol.
And I was thinking on using super glue actually ha ha=]
I'll do anything before I go to the hospital that shit scares me, I avoid them motherfuckers...
Lol thanks everyone! =]
I never heard of such a thing before!, my mom told me to get it lol.
Sounds delightful, it'd be nice for my skin to be back together again lol.
And kronicsmurf, I would have totally put a video of it on here if I had one =D
For real look at this shit lol.
I was minding my own business, stacking up new bricks around my fire pit,
And I was trying to shuffle some bricks in my hands to put around the fire in the right order...
I was under the influence... But that's beside the point.
Anyways, I dropped one of the...
Yes, that it is.
I love my plants, they are my babies=]
Thanks for the picture comment btw.
You should post some pics of your grow that you seem to love so much lol.
I would go with neem oil, I used it before it works pretty good.
Or you can try DarthD3vil's idea.
But either way, their eggs hatch every 3 days and a female can reproduce thousands in her lifetime.
Just to give you an idea on how bad these things can get.