i'd like to request sound cloud tags be added as an option when posting... embedding sound cloud files would be a lot more convenient for those wanting to share music... especially in the music forum.
yay... nay?
the picture's from 1992...
both songs are from 1994-995 and the 3rd song is from 1992.
eminem, chaos kid (in the shopping cart), and i don't know who the 3rd person is.
i prefer his old unreleased material any day compared to his mainstream stuff..
R.I.P. chaos kid! he commited suicide...
i bet you guys never heard these songs.
i'm not really a metal fan (except for maybe some 80's thrash) but this is without a doubt one of my favorite vids to trip out on... give it a chance... especially in HD... it's a trip!!!
it's the truth, son.
the neuro-toxicity of that drug isn't a joke.
out of all the drugs that deserve to be called a, "drug" -- methamphetamine deserves that title.
the second that drug starts to wear off -- you'll realize why it's bad for you.
get yourself an adderal prescription if you must...
...i don't want to be buried in a casket... i want to be buried 12 ft. underground and decompose with the earth.
seriously -- i'm trying to arrange it so my relatives can bury me in a nature reserve park.
i've taken shits with more substance then that WGM garbage.
...more over-rated bullshit.
i'm not hating -- they're making tons of cash off easily impressed people -- that's awesome -- go ahead and do your thing -- i'm just stating a fact... their lyricism lacks raw talent.