Not sure about that one but here is one with free shipping when you order over $200.00:
Here is another site with free shipping over $250.00:
If growth has stopped they may be root bound...transplant to a bigger container. If you do not have any Calmag add a tsp of epsom salt to a gallon of water. Do you feed with every watering?? If you do cut back to every other or every 3rd watering. Better to under feed than over feed.
Looks like they may have a Mg deficiency....How is your ph?
Plants will double to triple their size when you flip them to 12/12 so if you have limited space you may want to flip them soon.
Happy New Year to you!
Well they are both now on 18/6 light schedule and have both had some New Years bondage!!!! Queenie's leaves got a little scorched from the light...guess she was telling me 16 inches was still a bit to close!!
Bubbles before and after her tie down:
She looks like she may have a little Mg you have some Calmag to give her. If you don't have any add a tsp Epsom salt to a gallon of water. Keep up the good work!!!
Hey all...back from Tenn and the girls did fantastic!!! Had to get them all pretty for their pictures!!! lol Oh and I had to take a couple rips...5 days without and I was more than ready!! I am really impressed with their growth!!
Queenie my photo girl has at least doubled in size...
Okay guys, sorry it took so long. Had to take care of the girls and get them all pretty for their pictures!!! lol Oh and I had to take a couple rips...5 days without and I was more than ready!!I am really impressed with their growth!!
Queenie my photo girl has at least doubled in size...
We are on our way home as we speak!!! Enjoyed seeing my parents for the holidays and had a fantastic time! Keep your fingers crossed that the girls did okay without anyone looking in on them. I taped up the run off hole and gave them some extra water so I am hoping that did the trick! I should...
No updates lately as I am still in Tenn and away from my girls for the last 5 days!!!:sad: Hoping to see some mad growth when I can finally lay my eyes on them!!! Right now they are vegging under 3 23w 6500k cfl's but will be getting moved to flower under a 150w hps. Will post some pics...