Check out my grow in my signature. I just posted a timeline slide show of one of my girls. Most pics are only 1 day apart and you can tell when she really started taking off!
It got as close as about a foot....This grow is done...check out my Hempy Buckets in my signature. Here is where I bought my light:
I agree....really brings out the true beauty of these girls....took a peek this afternoon when I got home from work and....DAMN....they have grown since this morning!!! Did a bit more LST on Bubbles before lights out. Will post pics after our morning photo shoot!
Morning Photo Shoot
They are some badass bitches this morning!!! I am amazed how fast they are growing!! :shock:
Queenie...she is growing into a monster!!!
Bubbles...bushy and fat and the picture of health!
You just want to gently bend her over and tie her down
The tie on the right is at the very bottom and acts as an anchor line so you don't puller out by her roots. The one on the left is under the second set of leaves from the top and pulled in the opposite direction as the anchor line...