Hey, just wanted to let ya'll know Im back to cause havok.... just kidding..
Well I am back but not to cause issues... I missed you all very much!!!!
I will be on more often but not as much as I used to be due to the work hours..... anyways, I just wanted to say hi to everyone and see how...
Ive got a cat..
he used to nibble at the leaves til he got his ass tossed against the wall a couple of times...
Now he just chills under the 1000w hps.... its warm
I do it...
but havent tried w/out it yet so I cant really say..
I think it makes sense though.... well Ive heard it a little differently..
the dark period makes the temps drop also.. which forces more resin glands to protect itself from the cold...
not sure if thats the truth or not...
no no no... actually you made it very clear...
I understand now...
seems like people read the title and then just post... w/o reading anything in-between the first and last post.... Im assuming that that is what "DOOBS" is doing.....
or maybe hes just a hater and doesnt like seeing...
oh yeah, here,
an air-dick in your mouth
love GraF
p.s. Im not dragging shit either.... 10% of the posts in here are mine... the other 90 is yours in general so, do some math or go back to 3rd grade........
sorry buddy, didnt ask for your opinion..... therefore, it doesnt exhist..... you lose.
do you know how to read?? look closely at the first page.... but you gotta be able to read though..
for all I care I wont post in this thread.... it means nothing now..
if people want to keep...