Mossy: Chyna has a nack of finding nice phenos too, he's the only other one whos posted pics of auto males with trics. I don't see him on IC much, maybe he is in transition some place too? I know marijuanapassion has a sub forum. hmm, i should msg him.
I think i need to get some new books to...
Looks good to me. I have been wondering about that particular auto. Did you get any phenos that had that carrot/earthy/incence skunky/haze smell? Or were they all fruity. While reading about it the breeders say that the auto trait comes in a fruity "Pack" which they had a hard time breeding out...
I always liked commercial space. People ask less questions about big boxes. If you are lucky to find the right place, and have a good story your golden.
Was going through some old pics, thought i'd add some AF porn.
I can get close too, nothing like your scope though mossy. Since i love the ICU so much, here is another. If you look close most of the heads are cloudy and there are a few ambers, i got this one right how i like em. A bit racey...
Were those the purple AK?
Yeah i got my ass handed to me in the party cup chal, got to admit i thought i was going to do better. I think dry, i rolled a couple joints from each. Ha. :D
I'd like a do over. What ended up winning it his bad bettys?
LOL one more ?, those scope pics a page...
Sorry for the loss mate. If they seen plants growing that is enough to get a warrent. Hope you got them out in time, i would bet your going to get some kind of heat from it.
It would make an interesting case if you had the $$ to fight it, i'd like to know how they can only use one type of...
Yes you just gather the pollen when it falls. i use a white peice of paper cut a slit in it, to slide itunder the base of the plant between it and the pot. When lots start to open i'll tap it on the paper when i am harvesting it. You'll know it's time when you see it happening.
4 weeks is the...
Lets get this fine wednesday off to a start with some good tunes, this ones for you mossy! Bad betty theme song!
Kulong, i didn't say i support the wars.. I said it takes a pair to sign up to put your life on the line to fight for which ever...
Mossy, this pic is golden. Proof of THC content next to actually testing them. You can see the chemicals moving up the stalks on some of the trichomes. It could be the CBDs too, since the heads are allready cloudy. Interesting stuff, such a world within a world. :-P
The seeds you bought are at LEAST F4's.. The auto trait doesn't start becomming dom in all the offspring until at least F4's.
Soo, if you bred an auto with an auto you will get 100% autos.
Autos are pretty worked by the time we get them, alot closer to an IBL than alot of the 12/12 stock...
Some one should just buy a large bunch of the seed stock and do a selection to make it 100% AF. If some people are getting af's and others not, it just hasn't been worked enough yet.
Maybe some stand-out phenos to be found, if you had the room to do a nice big selection.
I don't think they...
I bet jon's LR's burn nice and clean, those look nicely flushed.
Soa, nice looking as per!
MasterHemp, great that you served mate, your service is my debt! Never mind growing pot, it takes a steel pair to fight for our freedoms!
MY question is when i call the people out who came in here to post regurgitated crap, why do you all of a sudden start to dispute the wording, the small crap no one cares about.
When some one says that looks like ditch weed or it CAME from ditch weed, i don't get the sence it's good. Use proper...
Yeah i hate getting those runt phenos, good selction when making your own seeds sure does help this. I haven't seen a runt yet from snowryder F3's, few hundred in by now.
Phos will make the leaves curl under and go alot more even crispyness. I also thought this too, but the rust spots on that first pic makes me think more cal/mag. I think it needs a good complete feeding. That pic you posted is great it shows the diff, the cal is the more random spots, the phos...
Yeah i am going to say it's a good time to get a cal/mag product. I use botanicare cal/mag not the + one. The + one is harder to flush i found, in soil anyways.
Epsom salt is also good for the mag, but if your running hydro i wouldn't use salts.