thanks dont think she got more than 4 zones on her. not bad thou. think i have some improving to do.
Heres some veg room shots. next update will be the bud room...:peace:
they look really good SS. thanks for the advice too , cause i wouldve ordered the basic 1 and thought that i could have just swtiched my og cords, and i d have probably fryed my ballasts , ill order that 1 that uses the 110 cords, thanks again for such comprehensive answers.... ur the man. shit...
welll.... okay my ballast are all hydrofarm ..the white clunkey kind, and they have a slot for 110 and 1 for 240... the cord looks the same to me.. i mean i only have 1 cord that came, so i assume the cord is interchangeable , right? so all i got to do is unplug it from the slot its on and move...
hey i have a question for u ss...
mlc .. light controllers. im looking at getting the CAP 8site 1 . for 8k possiblities..he he. anyways.. i read thru there pdf instuctions on hooking up... still unsure. a litte at least. u wire it with a double pole 40amp breaker from the panel , and use 8/2...
dude wtf. i didnt google it or anything but i checked those links i wanna see the break down of this collisium machine. does it rotate or something? wuts the interior design? and why 1200gpm? maybe cause it has to spray up 2 floors ? and can u finish clones in these machines. for example...
so things good now.
might get around to the old update tommorrow. any1 game?? ill snap some pics.... list so new news. all i can say is yeah yeah.
1 bcbd blueberry mom and 1 afgoo mom that i decided to flower in 5gal containers are bout done in the next few days ill chop . ill make sure...
dude my blue mom is gonna yield every bit of a qp. and remember half of her broke off. wouldve been amazing to see the whole thing intact. i cloned that bcbuddepot blue strain, and ive begun to flower quite a few smaller 1's in 2/3 gal pots instead of the bigger 1's. these new 1's were put into...
i know it guys i have been ghost. miss yall too :) bout quit my shitty job 2day. i absolutly hate it. after taxes like 65 a day..moving heavy ass shit into peoples homes. suks balls. cant wait till i can bounce out. i think im almost there.
Hell Ya, i seen the pics.. they look real happy and comfortable. sorta like a huge experiment switchn to hydro, and runnin this many strains im sure. be so sick when dialed in. ive been thinking about constucting some Stinkbud nft/areo sys.. for the bud room, and something either areo as well...
ya no doubt. i just figured during this time of transisiton till everybit of paper work is in a safe area i cant be going nutz w pics. soon brother. shits gonna look like a dirty mag for sure..
thanks Gypsy ..hows life treatdn u bro..? hope all is well for u as well ..
things going good this month.. next month ill have a little more time to update .. things really been flourishing . . fine tuning in effect.
ya pinn id like that. . . still dont know when ill be out west...but id like to see ya for sure... 1 of these days.. ya it sounds like ur babys doin great as well...hella glad for u. special as moments in the beggining ..