those are all things you want for yourself.
the reality is that they will get older and probably be lonely, work at a job they dislike day after day, only looking forward to the weekends. stressed about bills, unable to do things they r passionate about ebcause they are too worried about the...
i think that depends on whether you believe that those types of traits are learned or inherited. i tend to believe a nurtuing environment could lead that child to have absolutely no connection to the father's bad genetics. why penalize the kid because MAYBE he will be genetically inferior...
i take birth control pills and they are over 99% effective. there would be a heck of a lot less children if people were more responsible and serious about using protection. it shouldn't always be on the woman either.
I forgot to mention my regular spheel, if the world is so shitty that we have to consider sterliization, WHY do people continue to pop out more and more people?
it's NOT that bad! that's why. this whole hypothetical sterilization concept is absolutely ridiculous.
or maybe it is that bad but...
YEAH OOK, I guess if it's a girl and she's petite & cute, and looks like me and behaves well. well... then she will make all of my dreams come true and i can live through her and act like i am MS. Special bc i popped her out & feel like i am doing something great for the planet. then my whole...
why would someone?
besides, you're the one who acted like people r ditching babies left and right. i said no one is getting rid of babies but that i personally do not want one.
even if it doesnt' have a big base it won't work in a regular lamp. 70hps isn't very much, it's almost pointless to get a bulb like that - esp if u need to buy a ballast for that thing. it would be a waste of $.
i don't really care. ive never wanted children so i don't worry abotu these things or the future of the planet. selfish possibly but at the same time, it's selfish to WANT kids. everyone wants too much, i dont' want for much of anything.
u have an abortion when u find out you're pregnant. people don't carry a baby for 9 months to decide they don't want it. people give up disabled babies all the time but healthy babies are in demand. not sure why, i sure as hell don't want one lol
ive seen your makeup and you don't look caked on or "fake" so i don't think you wear it in a bad way. when i wear it, i am the same way. i will wear a bit of powder so i am not dewey and a little color on the cheeks and lip gloss. no big thing.
wear it or dont. i don't judge people unless they...
i did it with the plant in my sig and i got a bigger, better yeild the 2nd time and i have babies that are growing nicely :)
check out my sig link. u have to go from beginnning to end to see the reveg but it's only 25 pages or so.
people know i grow for personal use but it's not illegal here so it's not a big deal. anyone can get a prescription and go to a dispensary. there are about 6 within 3 blocks from here.