oh it will be dank ull be very pleased with the bubblegum the smell and taste is mouth watering and the high is amazing all around 2 thumbs up on the bubblegum theres so many bubblegums tho what company u growing from i like serious seeds bubblegum and THSeeds bubblegum wouldnt mind either
thats sad as hell thats why u dont tell a soul ur growing pot for sure cause word gets around faster then a slut riding a bycycle through the village sad to hear about ur plants R.I.P.
best smelling bud i had was some bubblegum was shitty we got ripped off kinda on the bag was skimpy but the smell was amazing and the highw as so good smelled like bazooka joe bubblegum original flavor and it was pinkish white
nice strains hoping to get some pics up sometime to add on to keep it going with colorfull nugs hopefully when the whiteberry is done ill show some nugs with pics
kinda sad but funny at the same time the cat was high as hell thats for sure my dog shes a springer spaniel old as fuck loves pot shell eat it if ur not carefull but loves the hits blown in her face she also has tumors and when shes high she runs around like a puppy again funny to watch actually
nice grow what is the average yield for a white dwarf auto flowering plant just it just determine your nutes and such looks like u could pull a good ounce if not more off a plant
nice crow man what is the average yield for an auto flower white dwarf i ordered a pix and mix seed of it and was just curious so i can grow that and smoke on it while waiting for my sensi star to grow also ordered durban poison and blue moonshine ill grow them later tho my mouth is just...