Hey guys. So my friggin router went and of course it's when there's no money to spend. So all I can do generally is watch the threads on my phone. Fucking sucks I feel like I'm missing out. :-( I've been so aggrivated dealing with this I didn't even take the 3 day video. That and the fact that...
Yeah I'm gonna. I just gotta get some new bulbs is all. It's not a lot of money but I gotta find an extra $20 lying around to do so and I haven't found it yet. lol
yeah man. I'm trying to go down the park or something like that. It's friggin awesome outdoors. Only thing is if these are as strong as they're supposed to be i think i might just be better at home instead of somewhere near a river, lol
I know man I wish there was a way to actually do it. I just don't have the mind to go about it that way. Hence the hidden rubbermaid grow, lol
Do you think there's any way at all it's possible?
Na man I'm begining to feel a little hopeless. I just don't understand why I got nothing yet. The only thing I can think of is cause I'm still using 1/2 6500k and 1/2 2700k lights.
And as far as the seed fairy goes still nothing today either. Just a damn cable bill. lol
Isn't it though!!! lol
I know it's a common ingredient but I think I'd rather stick to sweets and pastries ya know. Not that I'm having trouble finding recipes, just now I think of how I can make everything with cannabutter.
Hell no that's why were all safe....unless we were to say start a seedbank or something along those lines..lol
BTW I dig the new avatar! :-D sexy. I can't wait to see something similar.
Yeah I'm that way too. lol The only problem is I always find myself watching the food network when I'm high then I get the munchies something fierce!! lol
Now I'm like looking everywhere I can for recipes that use butter. :-D