These are good but they still don't show know how to go from the clip end of the cpu fan to a real plug. Do you just splice it to a junk cord? Is it best or just easier to use a multiple cfl fixture like that or can you wire them together somehow to spot light on them? I would use 4 ft...
I used a half gallon jug and used about a half pkt of yeast every week i think. Changed it about once a week i think. but kept it goin by adding sugar. worked great for six, 2.5 foot tall little bushes. I would just use new stuff before it can get nasty.
I was considering doing a stealth grow box. Initially I wanted to use A tek light. t5 i think. But cant afford it now. Can I get away w/ using shop lights and maybe some cfl's? I've grown really nice semi hydro plants under two 4 ft. shop lights, a total of 4 tubes. but not enclosed in a...
fo sho things are good right now. I'm saving that one till the end of this stuff I think. I'm workin on this this kinda premature bud right now.:blsmoke:
nah just establish yourself as a person who shoots before you attempt a grow. work up to 50 rounds if no one else really in the area shoots. A lot of my friends shoot and hunt so its not a big deal to hear shots. if you let some rounds off it might inspire others around you to shoot and then...
what bouts the carbide cannon any experience with those? I live in a bigger city now and wonder if i can shoot one off here in town? I guess there just like toys kinda. wonder how loud they are.
yea large pots to cover your plants to force flower them would prolly look shady out in a field or your back yard. would prolly work in a green house though.
if you live out in the country i recommend shooting guns on your property quite often. It should keep the neighbors afraid of trespassing on your side of the line and probably a little sketchy about going right up near the property line at all. lol. I'm not saying to shoot in their direction...
never had problems with deer though they were around for all the grows. I'm not sure what it is that digs them up in the spring when you plant. i think my friend kyle said it was racoon's but i think possums. We determined it had something to do with the smell of the freshly overturned soil...