obviously i want to be safe. do you guys have any helpful hints on how to avoid getting busted? my main concern is to have a way to tell if a new customer is a cop or not. How do you guys tell? Anything you do to prove they arent undercover cops?
I started to dig the holes today for the plants that will be going in soon. The soil is very black, so i figure its kind of rich and not as bad as i previously thought. Only one problem though. When I dug about 18" down i hit water! oh no! now im not sure if the actual water table is that high...
The top 1/2 of my plants are ready to harvest, while the lower buds still are mostly white hairs-not ready. Is there any harm in cutting the top section/ready buds now (including the main), then waiting for the rest to be ready in a week or two?Will I stress/wreck the rest of the lower bud or...