lol, what a coincidence we are talking coins.
yeah, i usually harvest early through mid october. also saying that after june 21st they should start doesnt make sense. if that were the case putting them out in may would cause them to flower immediately because the sun is nowhere near its peak. my flowering starts around the first week of august
lol. they dont start flowering around july. or shouldnt. yeah. it was clear yesterday, then i say about 20 chemtrails across the sky. i woke up this morning with overcast, thinking, god damn it! lol
yeah, fuckin shit up like mad. last year i didnt get preflowers until the first week of august. now the third week of july? might be strain related but never this early.
agreed droman. i heard some things about the bone meal. i have steamed (precipitated) meal which allows for it to be readily available! so yay, no extra cash will be needed. maybe a bottle of some flower nutes. but back to potash and bone.
chlorine and ammonia. stuff doesnt come out with evaporation as chlorine does. the lemon juice will unbind the ammonia from the chlorine helping both evaporate. as for rainwater, the levels of metals are unbelievable and are creating problems in nature. doesnt matter whether you are in the...
not sure what its gonna cost you. but you could go to a home depot and ask them for one. and if you can lower it down to 6 if you got lime in there. hard water will kill a bunch of beneficial organisms in your soil. if you have the time to do it, i would filter it into your container, and add a...
if its that high, ive heard its a little much. PH down to 5.5-6. as stated above i would also go for a water filter. either RO of some soft of water softener.
id use a little more but the native out here is so tough that it nearly solidifies the the soil. i did nearly 1/3-1/2 and its turned my shit nearly rock solid. if only i had the cash to do more. :-( im super stoked with the girls right now. but im positive if i had more potting soil they'd be...