i have a few questions. first i am a novice at photography, as well as cameras. i have been working with an 8mp camera phone which has done me well so far. i guess my main question concerns choosing the right camera. as you know im not experienced or well knowledged, so a thousand dollar camera...
so when i get a chance i will do a picture update. the rainfall this last weekend broke a few branches. not too worried though. one of the scorpions will be ready by this or next week. the big buddha cheese showed great growth during veg, but as for budding i am somewhat disappointed. as for the...
bahahaha bubble wrap! thats fucking hilarious, yet ingenious! good call buddy. may have to try that shit. was putting up some blinds today for a friend, and it had bubble wrap in the packaging. kept stepping on the shit accidentally and it scared me half to death. lol thanks for the laugh.
yeah i was watching a friends place. swear i heard footsteps outside the yard. about half an hour later i see a light shinning down the road going left and right. pretty sure it was a crown vic. everyones on guard. at my place i dont have any weapons. luckily all the houses around me are armed...
i used monterey BT last year. a week or so before harvest. Shit breaks down with uv. so do it at night because after a few hours the following day it will virtually be off the plant. thats just what i did, and it worked. saved my ass.
could be true for humboldt, but a little east from you its cartel. we had a 19,000 plant bust a few weeks ago. 20 year old hispanic kid. hes either rich as fuck with big balls, or was put up by someone else.
much of that is the mexican cartel. they grow dank weed but are using gnarly chemical fertilizers. legalize it, or really imply prohibition as this dude said. although i like the gray area, i can still make a buck without getting rich or going broke.
thanks dude! i see people on instagram and found it really interesting. someone on there finally mentioned a program that they like at its called photomatix. fun to play with.
personal prefference. ive had good smoke done the way you are mentioning, although i hang the whole plant minus a few water leaves for a few weeks. looking good. :)