having built various versions of the homemade cooltbue with a bake-a-round, i've learned a couple things...
to attach the socket i use pipe strapping... with a 400w bulb and the pipe strapping its still more resistance than i would like, but now with a 200w centrifugal fan i'm finally getting...
for a second i thought you were talking to me since your posts immediately follows mine... but then i thought about it, lol
good luck getting your other editorships friend
i like the idea.... but who else would be getting the title besides AL B?
i mean, there are plenty of decent growers on the site, but besides him and the mods... who else would be considered...
just curious....
i'd vote for mr fuct though, he knows his shiite...
i cut down most of my strawberry cough plant (all but a few bits and pieces to be re-vegged)
its only @ a couple days before 6 weeks flowering, but i'm outta smoke and money, and i've literally scraped every pipe clean... it was done "enough"...
hopefully it'll revegg so i...
i donate to a site that has helped me a lot...
i've made a couple grand becuase of this site...
a few small donations to help RIU run smoothly is nothing to me...
... you are still an idiot though... you do a good job of showing yourself to be racist without coming out and saying it...
ew... i sounded a little bitchy... i'm sorry if it comes off that way... much love to you, and i'm glad that you've found a nice reliable source of variety my friend...
... i have 6 different "grade A" strains in my closet... i get rid of 1/8ths for 45, and will use trim for edibles to eat myself and give away freely to friends....
your med dispensary is nothing more than a glorified dealer...
i mean, i'd love to have someplace i could legally go pick up...
... thank god i didn't then... lol... and i just submitted it... and i was using my RIU name as well, but then changed that incase they do a google search of it, lol...
the only 2 things that ocme up is "Marijuana growing"
app sent, gonna check email now...