Okay, here is my crazy bushy mutant SourJem...she is 69days old...1 day shy of 10wks!!! This bitch is heavy!!! Rock hard buds!! anyways, check this out!!:leaf:
When I came back from my trip, she waas ALL YELLOW!!:-o
pic#10 "CLEARLY" shows what I was talking about..... the mutating...
Okay well this update is 2 in 1......
here is the dry wgt for the first 3 sourJems that came dwn<<<just went into jars this morn....<<sticky/frosty!!
31gm,(SJ#2), 27gm,(SJ#3), & 25gms,(SJ#1)..
didnt take pics of dry wgt of other 2..<camera died..
pic 1 & 2 are the same plant..(SJ#2) wet and...
thanks for checking out other thread too!! <yeah, I was a super noob then!! bought every damm thing....before I cracked 1 seed!! lol! Now as far as how much per plant....i did post the wet wgt.s but if it's dry wgt your talking..dont know yet..they all are still drying,(been about 5-6...
Oh shit! I gotta mini car thread goin....LMAO!! You guys are crazy!! i'm a car nut! I DEF into my german engineering..... But LOVE American Muscle TOO!! Love the new challenger srt 8 too!! I just got a 66 Ford Galaxie 500xl convertible...(only 2,240 made in this model!) she is def a head...
To soon??? Did you see where I said how old they are....2 days shy of 10wks....So your sayin let em' go for 11wks....?? And they are in 3gal grow bags.....Anyways, I had too...leaving town for a week and I would not have been around them to water...she dries out in 2-3 days....how much did you...
I was on bimmer fest, but forgot my damm login pass(ben meaning to jus create another..)....and i'm 39yrs young.......I too have no payment plans, That's for the house...bought the 6 at the auction and the other I ordered... back in 03..(the 7) And I like big cars..love da M3's & M5's ,,but to...
Annd this one is my BIGGEST AK BITCH!!<<wish I wouldv'e pollinated this gal...I want this big pheno.....oh well next time I run em'......She is also 68days old....:clap:
here are the last Ak's for this grow.....
They are the biggest...which will yeild the heaviest.....:clap:
These are AK #6....
She is 68 days old....:weed:
MY YOUT, TELL ME, WTF DID I DO TO YOU???? YOU CLEARY WANT TO START A FIGHT , ARGUEMENT OR SOMETHING.......Man, I didnt do nothing to ya, so please tell me what gives?????
If you read my earlier post..I actually gave you props....Even said, "i know where you coming...
Well GODAMMM!!!!
@guiterjon...Maaan what's da deal bro???!!!! You jus came up in my thread and BOOM!!! RILING UP SOME SHIT!!!
Bro, I dont know what's goin on, or why u jus dissed da eff ouuta me from waaaaay left field.....but....i'm not even gonna go there...dont have no time for e-arguing or...
Yes Sir.....and THAT'S WHY I'm already planning on the holiday/new year stash!! GOTTA KEEP THOSE AUTOS GOING, I MEAN "GROWING"!! (;
Yeah, i saw it yesterday and I subbed to it.....will post some...
Hey BH....When you grew those ICU#2.....did ALL turn that DARK color you grew, incld. males...how old were they when you saw color and what was da dry wgt off 1, if ya remember?? Thanks...
Well. this morning my 2 out of 4 Ak runts came down,(to me runts are under 8" for an auto).....BUT! THEY ARE STICKY, FRUTY SMELLING GALS....Trust me guys, I love all the NEW autos out there, but if you need/want a base/start-up auto to use...Auto AK is da real deal....wait till I find that...