Thank you sir. Didn't get lost just working allot lately. All is going fairly well with the ladies I think. Now if I could just get them to start stretching I will be a very happy mofo.
Do you guys usually notice a big stretch between the 3rd and 4th weeks?
Playing around with my new camera guys. Let me know what you think. Here is Tessa exploding in her new pot. ... Staring to show some purple
Eliza Jane 21 days
and her duck foot.
Erin day 18
Dana day 21
I am getting a bad ass camera tomorrow guys. So forgive me if I start putting up lots of pics.
The girls are looking great at 2 and a half weeks. I am not going to bother putting up any pics until I get the new cam.
LMAO.... and usually the top buds are the ones you want to get a taste of. Thanks for planting that, "seed" K2. I can see this going on for a while.
Beautiful looking chicks you have there budolskie. Looks like they are going to treat you real nice
I am all for not supporting monopolies but sometimes you have to when your resources are limited.
Organic Choice is the only thing I can get and that I trust in my area. It would probably raise some eyebrows if I were to order bags of dirt through the mail in the middle of winter.
I should have taken a picture when I transplanted yesterday. The whole coffee can was nothing but roots. It looked allot like Mossy's except her roots were not quite as compacted on the bottom as Mossy's. Could the vinegar be the common denominator here? So far it is unanimous... vinegar is...
I have been using distilled white vinegar to lower the ph in my well water since I started using using it with Tessa. I have not seen any any IL-effects. In fact Tessa is trying to bust out of her coffee can. Her roots are starting to grow through the holes a punched in the bottom of the can...
I have a question about ONA gel. I am getting ready to order a can of this stuff and I was wondering if anyone has used the fresh linen scented gel and does it compromise the scent or flavor of the bud?
I picked up some smoke the other day and couldn't help posting a picture after I saw the...
Thanks for the karma Mossy, It's been working so far ;) You might want to keep an eye out for Dana (DDR). She is more than double the size of my other autos @ 10 days. If she does auto flower she just might turn out to be a heavyweight champion.
I find it easier to refer to a plant if she has a...
I wouldn't worry. This is my Easy Ryder that looked like just like yours.
While I am at it here are the rest of my girls. Dana the Double Diesel Ryder
Eliza Jane the Easy Ryder
Here is Tessa. She is responding very well to the LST.
3 days ago.... Today...