Well, they have been in PH adjusted water since the start, always a constant 6.0... And they were started on 1/4 strength nutrients, and not moved from that. Not to mention the leaves are curling up, and not down... A sure sign it is a deficiency and not nutrient overdose!
But I digress...
Would the size of the bubbles effect anything? I would think it would be the overall volume that is escaping from the airstone/tubing/whatever. Despite the bubbles being big or small... If the pressure is the same amount, then how could one be better or worse? Don't knock it till you try it, eh?
Just and FYI, you can quickly kill your plants by exposing the roots to light. I would buy a roll of chrome duct tape and wrap those containers up asap!
I would suggest you make a thread in the grow room forum if that is what you are looking for. You'll get alot better results with a title that says what you are inquiring about. Goodluck!
Hey bro! A question on how you do nutrients!
Do you add more as you go each day, or do you mix a same strength gallon of water then just top off the res? I am trying to figure out if I should drain and replenish every time I change the nutrient strength, or if I should just try to change it...
So the changes!
1. Humidifier added. I will edit with the new humidity in an hour.
2. 1 TBS/Gallon Ebsom Salt added to the mix.
3. 1/2 strength nutrients added.
4. For the first time, I had to mess with my PH to get it to 6, but I got it there in about 5 tries.
5. Drain and...
So I was reading that a Mg Deficiency can cause the leaves to curl upward! Maybe an easy fix? I am gonna change the res, and pick up some Epsom salt at walmart this morning, as well as change to a 1/2 strength nutrient solution. If this is the right assumption, then they are starving and not...
Well, shit. I was hoping to wake up to new growth and recovering plants... Unfortunately there is new growth, but also more severe leaf curling and discoloration. The only thing that I can think of is my humidity. It has been between 14-19% since the grow started. I don't think that my...
Yah bro, I am gonna construct this today! I grabbed one of the two port air pumps from Wal-Mart, and I think my goal will be to fill the bottom rim like I said, only instead of one long tube, I will use 2 smaller ones... Allowing each to maintain better pressure and not having to pump air...
Thanks smallglosetgrowr!
I flushed and ph balanced the res 2 days ago, and things continue to get worse. The only thing I can think of is the humidity is the problem, so I am gonna go and buy a cheap humidifier this morning and see if I can get a noticeable change.
My leaves are curling up...
I know this may sound stupid, but should I be adding more nutrients to my aerogarden res every day? I am on the 12th day from seed, and Just started the plants on a 1/4 strength dosage, after noticing that the plants were starting to yellow some.
What works for you?
Should I just mix a gallon...
Thanks for the input, but unfortunately I am only using a one part nutrient solution! Not to mention, I have currently only given the plants a half-dose of the recommended seedling dosage!
When I was reading a post from Roseman, he mentioned that nute burned leaves curl down, whereas my leaves...
I went out and bought the GH PH test kit, and my PH is right where it should be! This has me stumped as to what could be causing the discoloration of the plants? They are still growing alright, but I would like to stop the problem before it gets too bad. Pictures from tonight as soon as I...
Well, research would tell you that it isn't the bubbles hitting the roots, it is the bubbling breaking the surface of the water that adds the oxygen to the water. Lots of bubbles breaking the surface, lots of oxygen.
I liked the idea of a splitter and small holes being poked into the...
If you have a walmart, ANYTHING.... A CFL is just a lightbulb. Any standard socket will hold a CFL. Look for a work lamp! Something that you would hang beside your car if you were changing the oil at night... They run from 3-10 dollars, and you can then attach a splitter and off you go! I...