i only cloned once when i was practicing with tomatoes; but i just soaked the clone in a cup of water untill a little root showed and put it into soil and it worked out
it took like 5 or 7 days to see that first little root
a week should be long enough to get them over the stress
they could be hungry already; when your soils dry give em some
and +rep for doing your reading and knowing about the weight test
cant wait to see that tent full of buds. im subing
are they all heavy sativa or does that one in the back have a little indica in its genes? cant tell cuz its the furthest away lol
and how long do you plan to veg for?
sry im not clicking that
you can post the pic clicking the small button that looks like a pic of a tree 3rd from the right
if that is your HD i would delete that post if you have any love for your computer
are you 14? i can tell you havent grown ANYTHING in your life
yes a transplant will cause a little stress, maybe slow the plant down a little, but people transplant all the time
you have a lot of reading to be done, GL!
yep premature cultivation is a bitch
you ever see grass smelling weed on the street and wondered why its not as good?
or why lower buds are not as nice as top colas?
because the flowers are not ideally ripe
i used to smoke all day everyday and you wouldnt want to catch me at a time where i hadnt been able to smoke for like 6hrs. i would chew your head off and spit it back on your shoulders
but now i only smoke socally. i guess thats what happens when its not free anymore
i did some numbers...
dont doubt his product because someone online (even though it was shep) says "tripple stacks dont exist"
IME tripple stacks mean that the pill weighs out to .3
any of you hear about the race of red haired giants that the indians killed off before settling their "native land"? they prety much did the same thing as white man but a few centuries before, it wasnt recorded and they didnt travel across the sea they came from the south
look im not sayin its ok to be robbed but you should know the risks of ordering things online and then being rude to the person who ships them
ive heard of speedy giving out tons of free seeds so i really find it hard to believe hes burning people