drop your temps down.. get them to 65 at night and 70 during the day.. the lower the temps the harder it is for eggs and larva to live.. spider mites are bad, get some WARMN water and some soft soap and mist all your plants that are in veg..
400 watt aint going to look like shit to a power company.. think about all the people that run there hot tub, a hot tub needs a 50 amp breaker and pulls a heavy load.. do you think the power company cares about that
things dont mix like drinking and driving.. im all for smoking a J in the car, THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD SMOKE AND DRIVE I have seen some crazy ass smokers behind the wheel.. just zoning out
hmm. I have made many flood tables for friends that all I used was plywood and frame it up a little, go to home depot and buy some 6 mil plastic and double it up.. it will hold fine for man y years as long as nothing shape gets on it..