DMT shouldn't be taken lightly- it is not a fucking party drug.. it's not a 'oh that sounds fucking sweet let's do it' type thing... no one should even consider extracting or taking DMT until you've done some serious prep and have read the book DMT the Spirit Molecule.. DMT will bite you if you...
I usually do not find anything good from FOX but this is seriously a great fucking article, you will not be disappointed- came across this yesterday just didn't have anytime to post it..
Why We Love 'America's Outrageous War Economy' -
Monday, August 18, 2008
Why We Love...
Used to do astral projection a lot when I was a teenager- would be on the phone with people and could tell them exactly where they were and what they were doing.. I made a big mistake when I was pregnant with my daughter and 'cut myself off' from all of the psychic and 'weird' stuff because I...
The big bang is just some theory , lol.. just what they think might have happened..
Though I do get what you're saying and like your interpretation if it indeed did happen that way..
So hon.. this is what you were doing while I was sitting there knitting.. lmfao..:lol:
This was the key message I was aiming for when this was written, though the beautiful thing about these kind of things is that everyone has their own interpretation and gets their own insight..
I've been working on this.. another thing to help is to look at your feet in your dreams, esp. when you are starting to wake up. Or if you find that you have woken up when you did not want to, DO NOT MOVE AT ALL. You can slip easily back into your dream.. I've gotten to the point where I'm...
LMFAO.. yupp. I grew weed before I started growing veggies and stuff... realized that I had basically studied gardening 101 when learning to grow weed.. lol.. to say the least my veggies and shyt looked gooood. lol..
LOL.. it's like that with any hobby you get into hardcore.. haven't you been around people who compare everything in life to video games or a tv show? lol.. the whole world revolves around whatever has your mind excited..
Yea.. I went through this too..
Yeah.. little confusing.. thought most people might not get it- I can't think of how else to put it
If you have One thing, that splits itself into many by choice, the One would have had to consciously choose to give up what it considered itself to be- to change its whole...
I hold hope for this.. last two states to try this was Nevada and Alaska- both just missed passing it by less then 10%. If any state has the balls to do this first it's Cali.. however if it is passed, for sure the DEA will be there even MORE trumping states rights...
If in fact the One creator, the only One that existed before all other things- created all that is from himself. The creator would have had to sacrifice himself in the process of being split into so many. As always, the One simply be identified by that which he is- and all that he is. Therefore...
Plants are GOD too, talking down to those that choose to eat meat is just as immoral. Before anyone tries to jump down my throat let me say, I'm not pointing the finger at anyone, just saying in general.
Also, not all food is raised and treated in such an inhumane way- hence why there is such a...
LMFAO.. it's def. not that...
There is a distinction between your 'thinking logical mind' and your higher unconscious.. if you cannot differentiate I'd assume you have not meditated.
Agreed... they are already proving some pretty incredible things with science as related to spirituality.. it's too bad most of it is often buried in 'science language' and no one understands what they are saying..
Gregg Braden focuses on three separate experiments in his book The Divine...