im sure its been answered but can u throw the co2 tablets in your hydro and i know its absorbed threw the leaves not roots but im sure it will go up threw my cups if it does in fact work at all
the reason u make butter is b/c u can add more weed or leAF and make more potent u cant throw an oz or 2 in a batch of brownies but u can throw as much as u want in a pot of boiling butter and dont 4get the water so it dont burn
just like they said sell to friends ive met so many people threw say 1 guy they have friends who have friends who have family it never ends ive met some really cool people threw some scumbags heinsight is a bitch
ive tried grown shrooms a couple times once with jars and once with bags both failed got a syringe left in the fridge just waitn till i feel lucky and all my shit was sterile and i have an incubater and read and watched everthing i could sounds easy but for me ne ways it hasnt been
i just cut them off and dipped them in my rooting gel which was just a sampler bottle from b.c. and i pushed them down in some jiffy plugs trimmed the leaves to like half and put them on the inside of a small clear tote i had but like upside down with them on the lid and the lid on the ground...