What the fuck are you even talking about......all I did was ask if you were mormon.....god isn't an extraterrestrial you fuckin dipshit.
You are making a lot of assumptions about me in that paragraph you pulled out your ass.....How about instead of jumping to conclusions you calm the fuck...
You need to take a serious look at yourself....Everyone on this damn forum gets one over on you. You're a 14 year old ed hardy wearin wanna-be gangster bitch.........You're just lucky you can run your mouth off on forums anonymously.....if you didn't have that what the hell would you do?
LMAO! dude you've seriously made my day....I got to wake up and laugh my ass off at this thread.....I honestly hope mysticlown stays around for a while.....endless laughs...
Kid.....yes you do play WoW......another Mysticlown150....come on child.....How can you get bitches being a virgin? Your mom and grandma dont count......But you'll learn that when you grow up I guess.
T@int your signature is perfect for this thread.......hes giving advice about how to get chicks instead of playing WoW, which he plays.......and hes a fuckin virgin......Just wow......Mystic are you compensating for something?
Shut the fuck up you little faggot......you constantly talk about runnin up on people and being gangster.......HAHAHHAHAH.....you're an edhardy fag boy........God damn I'd venture a guess and say 98% of the people who talk shit to you could smash your head in before you knew what was...
LMAO......Tupac is a fuckin wanna be guido tool.......
oh my god that picture is pricless.....I was reading this thread and thinking....."damn I missed out on the picture of that douche bag"
Haha you made my day slick.......I'd toss ya a blunt if I could hah
Eh.....writing is all about literary tool.....descriptions......first hand accounts.....narrations.....easy to get a few hundred pages together if you're a little creative and interested enough in the topic....
Its not so much the minute grammatical errors that get to me. It's the fools who think its cool to type using the smiley faces we have as words....
for example "Oh man I got so :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: last night I just had to :hump: my girlfriend......then I took another bongsmilie and got all...
Fuck giving him a clue....if thats your boy he wouldn't have given you that nasty bag of nothing......sometimes people just need to get socked in the mouth.....just beat his ass and he wont be selling bags like that ever again....set his ass straight.
damn bor.......That dude who sold you that bag needs to get his face smashed in.....thats not even fuckin weed.....Idk man I'd be fuckin heated if I were you......WHy don't you got knock him the fuck out and get your money back?