UHhhhh.....lets see....tips to avoid getting jumped.....
1. Don't do it(wont get jumped or arrested)
2. Bring a weapon.....if its 5-0 then you get "aggravated" added to every charge.
3. If you don't know what you're talking about atleast act like you do....less likely to get ripped off.
When I'm just chillin at home then I'm usually atleast casually posting and reading shit on here.
.....Kinda learned what I needed about growing and now I just hang out in toke and talk for the most part.
Came across these sweet posts in another thread the other day lol....
That second one sounds like it was plagiarized straight from a lil wayne song hahah
Who does this fool think he is?
Its funny you posted that video of yall in fountain hills.....I've tripped on acid chillin exactly where you filmed that shit at the beginning. Drove up there from Tempe just to trip ha
Bible is not an acronym.....You can be creative and make an acronym for anything....interesting huh?
Princess diana.......
D.I.A.N.A = Died In A Nasty Accident......OMG!! crazy!
I smoked a fat bowl of hash and laughed my ass off to this thread right before I'm about to go to work.
Thanks everyone who posted a video in this thread!! :hug: