hey man another suggestioin since your trying to learn try ripping the part with the glue in half and rolling each joint one side at a time it helps you to get the hang of it i mean i dont really smoke joints im more of a blunt smoker but i roll joints pretty good too lol
hey man just wondering if you ever started another grow after that douchebag did that to you guys your plants were looking fucking amazing im new to it as well and i think im gonna go with soil for my next time (using an aerogardden right now) feel free to stop by and DONT GIVE UP! i wanan see...
hey whatsup K2 been catching up on your grows and all i gotta say is MMMmmmMMmmmmmm you have my mouth watering constantly lol im definetly gonna be watching your grows keep up the great work
hey man to answer some of the questions i used the hood for the whole time until the plants got too big (i did have 2 additional lights the whole time on the side though) then i just layed it on the side for side lighting , i used foil instead of the cover it came with im only growing two and it...
Havent updated in awhile just too lazy :p the girls are doing greaaat popping buds outs getting frosty but unfortunately i didnt really think about it and let the pplants grow into the light to much and the tops got burnt :( some buds were singed but idk they seem to still be growing so im not...
alright well the girls seem to be doing pretty good i am very proud of myself for keeping them alive this long. I started flowering about 2 days ago just bought a timer so i dont have to do it manually :clap: i will continue to update with pictures every week hope you guys like what ya see...
Hey man been reading up on your grow and maaaaan do they all look delicious you've got my mouth watering like crazy lol hope my next grow (which I plan to do in soil) comes out as nicely as any of your ladies
Keep it up definetly gonna stay on top of this
hey whats going on man i saw a picture of one of your papayas and it looked amazing, ive got two going right now just wanna know how the smoke was and if the yield was nice
well it depends on what is growing there, male plants pretty much grow little plant balls lol and female plants grow these little pointy hairs
you should get a magnifying glass if you really cant tell by closely looking but yeah if you look close enough you should be able to tell
hope this helps
came back today i was gone for four days and they did fine by themselves came back to them looking like this
probably going to flower in another week or two
:leaf:well i fimmed the back one today i gotta go away for a few days so hopefully they do good and show me some serious growth when i get back im gonna pick up some floranova nutes on the way back start using those maybe grab some more lights also:leaf:
forgot to mentioin i added another light hanging from the side im probably going to put another one on the other side as well because it seems like theyre starting to block the light from each other
also im wondering when do you think i should top em because i wanna keep them short and bushy i...
whatsup again figured id take some pics and put them up today my ladies are growing very nicely seeing some pretty nice changes
im getting so excited just watching em grow i cant wait for the final product :)
thanks man :) ive tried once in soil in a really ghetto grow box made out of speakers and aluminum foil with a cfl in a reptile cage light lol
how would you say theyre looking? i know its still early but they grew a shit load in these past two weeks
Whatsup guys first time growing here i ordered some papaya seeds off nirvana only planted two but they seem to be going strong im using the aerogarden with everything it came with including the nutes only thing that isnt stock is the air pump
theyre about two weeks in now and the the one on...