oh I didn't mean it all hating man, now I feel bad. Roots grow by piling cells up on top of the growing tip, its sorta like an expanding sponge. They can push through concrete because theres places for the cells to build up, plastic offers no such purchase.
Roots are really damned awesome, I...
WRONG! Gardeners use plastic sheeting to isolate gardens for a reason, roots don't push through plastic. They'll push through just about any hole, but assuming the bag is intact, roots should be separate
RIGHT! It was my guess while watching the video. These things need to show sex already.
- Thanks for the ups.
- Sounds like total horse shit my friend. I'm not sure if "water ratio too great for their capacity" makes sense in any way. Humidity making bugs explode? Really? This whatever it was you read sounds like a foray into the wide world of fantasy land. The research sources I...
Deal with the heat bitches. Grab your balls, grow a beard and man the fuck up. Lumberjacks can cut down the entire amazon rainforest in weather hotter than this drinking only a single daisy cup of water. Mountain men laugh at temperatures over 100 and just carry a mother fucking glacier on their...
Yeah you can move the bulb around, just keep exposing different growth to the light. She'll waste energy moving crap around, lighting different sections of the plant slows that a bit. I'd grab any CFL you have in the house and use floor lamps, desk lamps, whatever. It's pretty rare a CFL is in...
Mix up some medium strength grow big, top up your pots with fresh ocean forest and water. Water slowly, you're trying to rinse that new ocean forest deeper. Using that combination what we're doing is aiming for broad spectrum deficiencies along with our primary suspect - nitrogen. The ocean...
Correction, he grew that big green baby with one fucking monster CFL. Haha.
Dude that one bulb isn't going to support life, that being said, its going to slow down death too. I'm going to make the assumption that you cannot use outdoor sunlight, this would be my advice. (I had a 600W MH blow...
thats what I used