Oh no... what just happend?... But I just made these brownies. I used nearly a quarter and half a cup of oil... and the brownies are verrryyyy strong.
Making some brownies... Heard that Olive oil has a higher fat content so more THC sticks to it. I'm planning on making a batch of brownies... i just want them strong enough that my friends and i dont have to eat a whole box each to get high. it would be a waste if that was the case. But any help...
Dude... I was just thinking. You know that the brain is crazy... it can cure a person with a simple placebo.
so I just thinking that if it's that crazy and everything is mental. such as taste. sight. feelings... everything.
You could be a person who has been in a coma for like ten years... and...
Disco pwnstar= my best friend.
Seriuosly I hate America for those reasons... or people in general. I almost went into political science... but if said any of my ideologies I would be pinned a socialist for sure lol. People are holding so tightly on to something that isnt even worth anything...