Thanks. Nice to see more locals around here. Appreciate the words. What dispensary are you contracted
with if you don't mind?
Thanks man. If you're ever up in Boulder please stop by the shop. It doesn't just look good!
Appreciate it bro. More to come!
Diversity. Never stick with the same product for more than one cycle of mite
off spring. So you would use one product for 3 days. Then switch to another
for 3 days, and then another. You can cycle back to used products, but do not
over use them. Spider Mites easily produce enough offspring...
In 3 gal pots feeding every day or every other day at the minimum is good. As long as you're getting a decent amount
of run-off. I just don't feed every day because it can get pricey and I would be going through about 100 gallons
of water a day...
But yea, keeping the coco saturated every day...
Let numbers do talking. The moisture content of the snow in Valdez is usually 15-20%.
That is like spring conditions here in Colorado. Steamboat is usually around 5%. That is
ridiculous. That is the lightest fluffiest snow in the world. blah blah. Go back to snatch.
Or smoke some guy...
So you only repeat others' opinions and will even argue them without any personal
stance on the matter? Way to try and placate with that statement. Go skiing, experience.
He said "ski town usa" I think that implies USA. Not North America. Atleast I don't think USA
stands for North America. I think it stands for United States of America. Besides BC gets very wet snow. Not the
light champagne powder the Boat gets. Steamboat is world renowned for the quality...
Home garden is lookin good still. Been havin some nutritional disorders.
Slight chlorosis of the inter-veins. As well as purpling of the petioles.
Now this can be brought about by many factors. One certainly is allowing the plants to get a
little too dry between applications, 50% dry is...
Groub B is now potted and has begun week one vegetation.
2 of 90 potted. 88 to go.
3 hours later
Haven't counted exact numbers of varietys. But I can give yall a list
Strains consist of
Glass Slipper
Alien OG#1
Sour Bubble #2
Sour Bubble #4
Oger 99
Chem Sour D
Plant flowering is signaled by the off cycle. Not on cycle. So the plants are actually effected by the off cycle
more than the on cycle. Just because you see growth more readily in the on cycle (probably because thats
when you're usually in there anyways) doesn't mean that is what effects them.
There is something called the Circadian Rhythm, AKA physiological clock. The fact that the physiological
activity follows the day’s course has been known since antiquity. Including the activities of plants (the rising and
lowering of leaves, the opening and closing of flowers). These...
I just love how you think that becase you are giving it more than 12 hours of off cycle
It wont go intersexual. Any stress can cause intersexuality in plants. Be it heat stress, moisture
Stress, stress due to photoperiod..
You are overconfident of your knowledge, yet poorly informed. GL
There is a photobucket APP you can DL for the Iphone. Then upload photos to Photobucket, and
copy and paste the Image code from photobucket. Thats what I do. Maybe a similar way for you.