dude im not gonna sit here and lie haha..
the water i use is R/O from a local water mill...Ph is alwasy around 6.5 - 7.0 i never see my Ph at 5.5 with just str8 H2O the nutes i add seem to lower my Ph after adding them. H2O with nutes Ph is between 5.5 -6.0
checking Ph right when i get the...
thanks for the reply man.. my run off i would say is between 5.5 - 6.0 i checked this last night after watering.. the water's Ph was between 6.5 - 7.0 no nutes added yesterday..
all the water i use is R/O Ph always around 7.0
my feeding schedule watering every 3-5 days depending
now now now ive heard all types of people tell me what they think this is now i want to know what it really is....
im having a problem with my plants it started with one the newest seedling start showing some dry green spots on the lower leaves and i didnt think nothing about it a little bit...
you know what ive suffering from a similar defect and no one can answer wtf it is im looking into boron or mag it isnt nute burn or if it is its from watering or like doob said some crazy infestation im not sure at all im gonna post some more pix of mine in another thread to get some help i want...
heres the link for yourself http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/news/articles/2009/04/18/20090418med-marijuana0418.html
New push in Ariz. for medical marijuana
Voters OK'd prior efforts only to see them blocked
by Matthew Benson - Apr...
trichs looking young.. those leave colors came quick most strains get those color's closer to harvest you really got a keeper buddy cant wait till you tell us what the effect and smoke is like
oright let me start by saying your plants look wonderful man and no you will be just fine with them bushes if i were you i would get the screen in there now . some actually like to put the screen in there in vegg and LST before they add a screen but this is not needed all the time..
let some...