More of a difficult situation. . . Don't know anybody like that and don't tell anybody my biz... But if I could move (I hate this place anyway) and I could make a way doing that then that would be great! And by anyone like that I mean someone that would consistently be willing to take a qp...
I want to be rich!? So what do you guys think of this for an idea. A criagslist add to be a caregiver in CO or somewhere. Would that work? Is that legal? Is it frowned upon? (Like jerking off in an airplane)
Ill be there... I'm gonna start doing it like you chief (as if I haven't said that about everything). But a picture a day keeps everyone happy! So it's been a while for me. They are getting Pom pomy. I hope she yields ok... I think she will. More of what I'm excited for is to get the high...
Lookin good brother. I'm doing my first run without a lollipop just because I've heard of lots of Hermes with Killy and I want zero stress at the moment...
The way I understood it is that the higher the number after f the more consistency you get. Ideally you're picking similar males and females and breeding for consistency...
I'm ordering blumats (you should google it) it's a watering system that doesn't take power and people say it is dead on... I'm pretty excited.
im getting them for spring break but I'm going to continue to use them. A few people have said that they do a better job of watering than hand watering...
Blumats look awesome! The best part is they don't take power. I'm thinking I'm gonna give these a shot. My wife doesn't need to know that I'm spending more money or anything! ;) I just bought a pump but I can take it back.
O hey chief. I was checking my new clothes and I saw that one was developing the brown / black death like the other one. So I hit them all with neem and the one with the red/brown spots the spots turned rust red and dried up and stopped getting worse.
Got the pump at lowes. I'm gonna get the splitter and the "T" later I'm gonna punch holes in the bottom of a loop of tubbing and I'm gonna wrap it around the bottom of my plants and I'm gonna have it kick on every 3rd day. I'm going to run the tube up out of the 5g then I'm going to split it...
I think that's what I'm gonna do. I got a couple digi timers... nvm I have 1 but I'll just buy another analog timer. and use my digi for the pump.
that budget is fine. I'll head to Lowes and see if I cant find all that stuff.