SPECTRUM 95580-3 "HOT-SHOTS" NO-PEST STRIPS Catalog and Web only
ACE# 998011033
MFR# 95580-3
Price: $5.85 these things work trust me game over period they last 4 months if any eggs hatch there dead this...
Buckets work great but are more high maint. Use tubs with drain attached to a pump. Its easy turn pump on when you want to drain you dont even have to go in your grow room if you dont want. Keep it simple buckets only hold a small amount of water wich makes the ph go up or down like crazy with...
I had spidermites for years get some hotshots pest control its a vapor that does nothing to your plants and kills spidermites you have to turn off all fans ac/exhaust in your night cycle do this 3 days in a row and you will have no spidermites period
Change your water every 4 to 5 days use dyno-grow ph 5.6 to 6.0:mrgreen: start of with just one bucket and master that then expand and get great yeilds i get 2 pounds every 60 days of of one 1000 watter :mrgreen: