i deffinatly want to try this. i mean bleach instead of H2O2. iv read through the thread, and a few links that were posted in the thread.
im a bit confused on what doseage i would use though.
im thinking 6 drops of bleach per gal.
but fatman made a post in a link from that thread, saying...
im drowning one of my plants here ina bit. i think im goona go a lil diffrent then you, instead of submerging the pot, im going to put a smaller tub around the bottom and flush her till it fills and inch or 2, and flush again whenever it starts to dry up.
ah man... that would drive me to edge of insanity.
i think honestly if i had stumbled upon something like that, and had the knowlege/experience you have, i would write a book, and sell it.
and only share the secrets with member here that you think TRUELY deserve it. ya know ppl really commited...
yea id give a small dose of grow big/tiger. but flush her first. i really dont ever check PH for my soil plants either. it shouldnt be outta wack unless ur using some gross water... haha
i have never heard of this? but it sounds very interesting, in theory it should work great. i would make sure that the seltzer doesnt have any addatives like sugar. and that you dont burn you plants with the lights being to close, or cause moisture stress/mold.
theres alot of ass holes out there spreading dumb myths, and personal beliefs. better safe then sorry ya know.
tiger bloom is a flowering nute, witch has a low N concentration. but it does look like a bit or burn. i think you may b giving her to much P-K and not enough N. you will see some yellowing on bottom leaves throughout flowering, just usually not till week 5-6.
i used one for about a week untill my lights fell and i had to make a new setup.... lol
it worked GREAT while it wus up tho! haha
and ManyClouds, thats shits dope bro! good looking plant forrsure
yea thats true haha
tho bleach or H2O2 will kill most of the organic based nutes if i put em straight into the res....
i either gotta ditch the organic, or the sterile...? lol
yea... is tht all ur goona say. or are you knowlegable enough to help...:roll: haha
bleach just seems way to invasive to me. idk im goona give it a go if dropping temps doesnt help. but i dont have access to chemical micro nutes, my NPK soulution is chemical. but my local hydro shop doesnt...
yea bro i think its my favorite plant yet lol its a bag seed Blue Dream.
hell yea man, thats exactly how iv felt since i started growing =]
each time i started a new plant it was better then the last ten fold. knowlege/experience is what makes a plant dank bongsmilie
yea, thats my biggest concern. today i deffinatly can tell the one spray i did helped alot tho. im freezing jugs of water tht im goona put in my res everyday to drop the temps. once i can get my water cooler i dont think i wont need H2O2 any more. iv got all light leaks taken care of, but my...
well what i do is wrap a string around the low base of the stem, and thumbtack the ends of the string to the pot. barely pulling on the plant, but strong enough to hold it. and then do the same but at the top of the plant, and pull this one tighter untill the stem is bent. the force will pull on...
hey riddle, iv been outta smoke for a while, and im planning on chopping one of my plants a bit early. think i can try the drowning the roots technique without the excess of nutes sill left in the plant messing with the process? haha srry, just have a bit of trouble getting the bell to "ding"...
i just noticed these pics didnt make it in the last post lol
this is my first seedling with NO problems bongsmilie i started LSTing her 7 days ago cuz she wus stretching, she exploded with growth!!