Outdoors is more potent because of the natural sunlight, you also get bigger buds outdoors(don't get me wrong, If properly done you can get big buds indoors too). I prefer indoor growing because I am god, I control the atmosphere and have everything dialed correctly. Outdoors is a really good...
Do 48 hours of dark before you harvest and chop them, makes the buds frosty. I really don't think there is a difference in time of day though. I have heard to do It at night but when there is no moon, something to do with the gravitational pull?????
I think It's a waste of time, It's cool to do one grow but I didn't like my yield and ruderalis has less potency. I would rather get a higher more potent yield.
Yep, I worked custody for a local Sheriff's department for 1 1/2 years so I know all the radio codes. Whenever I get pulled over I fuck with them and talk in code and they're like WTF, It's pretty funny.
My experience growing up in ghetto ass Long Beach, you do what the cops say and have your day in court to prove you're innocence. Even If they are In the wrong do not fight and do not resist, I have walked that path In my younger day's and It's the worst decision to make. Use your verbal skills...
it should start flowering just about now, it's impossible to say how much you will yield, Looks like you need to do some more reading, educate yourself.