If you are going to fertilize every 4 days, you have to flush the plants before you add new nutrients or else you will add to the salts that weren't used yet. I feed once a week, but i still flush before i add new nutrients so that the pH is right. The plant will use certain nutrients faster...
Always vent more air then you have to in case you get stuck in a heat wave and you have to get your temps down. Also, a bigger fan on half speed will also run quieter then a smaller fan on full speed
Get a Digital 250watt HPS. The digital ballast adds 20-30% more lumens. If you get a 400w HPS then you might start to worry about heat with the space your in
He didnt say he has CO2 and that would only allow him to go a few degrees higher anyways. Certain strains are ok at those temps, but most of them are not
Dude your temps are waaaay to high. at 84º F plant growth virtually stops. Keep your temps around 72-78 if you can.
You should also flush them 10 days before harvest, especially with miracle grow soil or else the taste will be really chemically. Flush them with at least twice as much water as...
For that amount of lighting and that small of a space, I would get 2 computer fans and run them at a variable speed. You really dont need much cfm for the size box you have. Check it out:
You want to change the air in your box every 3 minutes if you can (for optimal growth) so:
your box is...
Computer fans worked pretty good for me. Because the CFLS dont give off as many lumens as HPS lights they will grow a bit slower, so you can go less on the ventilation for now
Fluuuuuush with as much water as you can put through those pots. They are seriously nute burned and i would give them straight water for about 2 weeks after you flush them. After that, make sure you are testing the pH and give them small amounts of natural fertilizers
A great way to flavor and put some moisture back into the buds is to put an orange or lemon peel in the curring jar. Just make sure you put it on some paper towel so its not directly touching any bud. This will give the bud an even cure and a nice aroma!
The only other thing would be to send it with someone like fedex. If you ship it priority, they will have less time to check it, and wont risk ruining their business reputation by slowing it down unless they are sure they want to investigate the package
my pH always goes up from 6.5 to around 7.5 in a day and up past 8 after two days. seems weird to me too, certain products will continually change your pH though. like my Canna Rhizotonic is a pH up, and it seems to always rise when i have it in my res