Just wait. Rauner will finalize it as he is doing. Quinn had the state so fucked up and left it in shamble. Rauner has approved the licenses that Quinn shelved and he is looking at making sure the tax and permit laws are in order. Dispensories are approved but it will take a year to be up and...
So basically like the title says. last week I ended up having a heart attack at 39 years old. I ended up with a 99% blockage in my widow maker and an 80% blockage and 45% blockage. I had some stents placed and put on some meds. I ended up having 10-15% heart muscle die on me.. First let me tell...
You dont want to have them get too dry as it can hurt and stress the plant. Might be time to transplant though as they look really small for 24 plus days.
Ive seen them just grown outside on people own land. Kind of a combo as it wasnt a legal grow but it was on owned land. I have also seen few grown indoors in steel buildings with dirt floors where they just dug out giant holes filled with the good soil mix and grow 8 foot tall 20 foot round...
No using proxies doesn't raise red flags lol That's paranoia. It doesn't raise red flags. You have to be already be watched for them to think anything of it. They really don't spend that much time on random hits but lets say you post things on here that oh no so legal and local LEO sees the...
You wont login via another site it will bring you to this site it just routes you through some other servers that use dynamic ips that roll so your isp assigned one for your service isnt a direct line. If your legal then no big deal still lots of us not that lucky yet lol
Well then be very paranoid......lol use like www.hidemyass.com and when you go layer it so enter that same url in their box then enter this url and come here. that way its 2 random rotating ips and not a single static one.
All companies so called stealth is not stealth. usually you get charge extra $10-15 and they put a mug , tshirt or birthday card or some nonsense in the box. Some used old cd cases some used old broken cassett tape players.. I only see those who use the stealth method get grabbed though usually...
Depends on what country you are in. To the US attitude never requires a signature. Now some local post offices will not leave international letters or packages unless you tell them to but attitude has never in 10 years sent me anything with a signature required. Some other countries require it...
On here if your in the US it is very hard to allow any free trade or gifting especially in public due to the servers being in US soil. That kind of stuff gives easy warrant access to the propaganda of known illegal activities. The seed banks over seas bit different as they ca sell the seeds just...
I dont know about jacks never heard of that one. I do know of the few dozen hydro shops I visit and the 4 my buddies own they all stopped carrying Dyno Gro while ago. people dint like it and wouldnt buy it. I tried it before wasnt impressed but everyone finds what works for them me personally...
Yup but like I said Ill adhere to your request to not get into it. Ill just assume you ve never been in the midwest lol......Id ask more about this grow but you dont seem interested in answering any of the questions I ask about it.
Yeah your confused as this is not a verticle grow. Verticle grow has nothing to do with how the bulb is positioned its how you grow the plants and these are just a normal grow in pot setup and in no way relate to a verticle grow.
The plants look happy but this is in no way a verticle grow lol. this is just a normal grow using non reflector bulbs in the verticle bulb position. Verticle grow is completely different and has to do with the way the plants are grown not how the bulb is hung lol