thanks for the bump hazaroazo...
So a word update is in order..
The clones are not doing well at of tonight I counted only 3 with any root growth...1 had over 10 roots though on one side...I'm going to let them go at least until sat that will be 2 weeks. Today was day 10 so I guess...
Heh...yea never liked that damn olive drab..btw I can't figure out how to add your messages to my wall..maybe I need to allow you as a friend first not sure.
I"ll be their Tues...this will be my first meeting..if all goes well then the next meeting I should be able to give (or sell of say 25) some clones..but probably give since this is my first cloning attempt and I don't want someoen to lose money and lose thier plant.
OK update..the first set of pics should(if it uploads in the right order) last week after I took the clones and before the HPS was lowered..the second pic is far no hairs (then again no pollen sacs either) Getting a bit antsy but that could be b.c I"m out of meds....can't wait till...
Agreed...unfortunately, I wanted to just find out what light would work best in a 4x4 tent without all the ho hum of advertisign..and while I think their are some good posts on this thread unfortunely you can't find any scientific fact to back up anyones claim of "x is better than y" or any...
great posts everyone..out of the 12 which were cloned last sunday, I think I've only lost 1 clone...not bad for a newb...but I'm going to take all this info..hopefully cloning will get easier with time.