remove that plant from your grow room let it open its pallen sacs and cross bread your own strain if you have 2 diffrent strains to do this.... make your strain and name it.... cross breading is the way to go only put male pollen on the bud you want to have seeds use a q-tip to do so
well to tell you the truth i have made a singel plant grow box ... you should just build a PC planter you can grow 2 in there and as the lighting goes use a power strip at the top of the PC tower on the inside on the back wall and use light bulb adapters for lights you can fit 4 100w CFls in it...
well i have always used MG potingsoil for flowering plants if you do this dont give the plants any nuts for 2 weeks and when you repot wash the roots of with water to ensure there are no pest eggs on the lil bit of soil left around the roots... good luck and happy growing
well frist thing i would like to know is where you get them plug adapters... and looks like a good setup i am now in the processe of building a PC grow cab... i am want to use 4 100w CLFS and my fans bring and blow out air how dose yours get fresh air from the outside
well are you growing outside or in that grow box.... frist off it seems like the steams are weake you you have fans.. fans make fake wind ... the fans will make you steems strong... keeep the support on them and give them a lil wind...
that plant looks nice look like some kind of stiva/indica mix i have 2 plants but the pic in my name is my frist plant i used things i herd did work but did work well... what are you useing for fert