So I just started flowering my 5 plants and I'm worried about humidity. During the day it stays around 65% and overnight peaks around 70ish.
I have 3 hanging "damp rid" things to collect moisture, as well as 2 that are on the floor.
My setup is in a closet: 2ftx8ftx8ft. it has double doors, but...
Those filthy little buggers!
So I read that I'll probably have to spray them like every 3 days.
How long until I should notice the plant getting better?
So I got 4 plants, but one of them has little white spots all over most of its leaves.
I saw some little tiny crab looking bugs after I watered yesterday and on some of the backs of the leaves there are little brown circles (eggs i wonder?)
Plants are growing indoors, 90 watt ufo led light...
Thanks for the help guys! a couple more questions, so I decided to cut up a couple lemons and juice em then mixed it with water and waterred the plants, think that'll work?
I'm gonna buy some ph testers tomorrow.
If they still need some nitrogen, at what point do you think I could start adding...
Aight so I have a few plants that are sick and I can't quite figure out what is going on.
I was thinking that it might be a nitrogen deficiency, but before I give them some I wanted to make sure.
I have 4 plants under a 90 watt led ufo light in my closet
the soil is a mixture of organic...