thanks for the post i dont think im over waterin im givin it water like once every 3/4 days i do have a fan but its off wen the lights off an on wen there on. an sorry for the lack of info this is my set up
225 Led grow lights (60no Blue 465 Nanometer Wavelength & 165no Red 650 Nanometer...
my little plant is havin a hard time standin up its like shes drunk what would cause this as you can probs tell im new to this an therefore not 2 sure why please can someone help me out thanks
get some root hormone powder an dip the cuttings into it shake off excess an put it in some water (in a non see through glass/pot/beaker/etc) you dont want light gettin in :)
peace out :joint::roll:
dont use Miracle Gro its not good 4 weed an as the other dude sed looks like they need more light they should be alot bigger by now. how are you growin them? are you just leavin them to grow by themselves? by the way im on my first grow too :) but im growin indoors so im in charge of all the...
lol its like im readin my own future post lol im currently growin russian rocket fuel an was lookin at jack herer to grow next she sounds awesome she has a sister plant called jah herer which also sounds pretty nice an its easier to grow apparently lol
peace out :joint::roll:
ha lol i got the same spray bottle as you i think (not really important :P ) how long you been growin them 4 now? im on my first grow to :) my little baby is a week an a half old now
this post was very helpful i know alot of it already as ive researched alot be4 i attempted to grow myself but all very useful i've seen so many ppl sayin dif things but then its down to the individual as to wot they like best i'll just have to learn my ways with help from others an plenty of...
well i live in the UK an i pretty much always get amsterdam quality weed (THC levels atlest 15% up to 20% give or take) at around £140/£160ish to the OZ but then i know the growers, the worst shit you can get here is sprayed green, soild aint to bad depends on how you smoke it, i heard that the...
hello bigv im on my first grow an im growin auto russian rocket fuel the specs are as follows:
seeds bought from attitude seed bank
automatic Russian rocket fuel
Seeds per pack : 5
Type : Auto flowering indica/sativa hybrid
Height : 11 18 inches
Harvest : 8-10 weeks from seed
Yield : 18 ...
i smoke usin a vapourizer an i just soak all the glass peices in isopropyl alcohol over night an there good as new :) (after scraping it as well as i can an put it back through the vape mmm lol) but yer it works really well good tip
this is my set up let me talk you through it: :)
225 Led grow lights (60no Blue 465 Nanometer Wavelength & 165no Red 650 Nanometer Wavelength)
1 cfl 15w 975 lumin 2700 warm white
30Ltr bucket
home gardener multi-purpose compost
cardboard surround lined with tin foil
a big...
attitude are awesome im in the uk i had my order within 2 days with a rellay good quality t-shirt which i was pleased about well worth the extra £6.99 for a t-shirt an guaranteed shipping (which means if it gets ceased they send it again) an you get free seeds wen you buy from them which is...
i know to buy a cfl its not too expensive but its the running cost not to sure of the watts think its pretty low tho under 90w for def to be honest i wasnt expecting that much from them but thought i'd give it a go the only place i can grow is in my attic so i cant have a big heat source or...