its fun to do recreational but dont make any habits or it can take its toll on you, like can give you a certain rage when you talk as could any opiate and as i am when i dont get me weed!
"well money brings bitches and bitches bring lies one gettin jealous then muthafuckas die!" ... gotta get that money man so as of right now leave the law as it is, take the risks, its a re shesh out here in southern ontario sorry had to throw a lil pac in there for you
i bought 4 big purp x ak 47 outdoor seeds, along with 5 blue berry outdoor all fem i hope haha, i cant wait to start them next year! anyone have any feed back on how well they will do?
i think the drug should not be made at all but then again that would kill alot of people who have savage drug addictions thank well id like to say god but i dont really believe in that haha
im off of them boys and girls! 3 weeks and going strong, found a pretty girl to keep me in line so i wont be starting any dumb habits like that again! woohooo!!!
i just did them 2 days ago and had the best time of my life and the worst time.. watch hitch hikers guide to the galaxy if you get your hands on some of them, that movie is like a fucking universal studios ride mother fucker!
man everyones addiction is something different, was it actually herion or was it the synthetic stuff? because the needle is way harder then anything synthetic, if it was the needle your friend had some serious issues, and its sad he didnt take life to seriously
why did you cut ALL the fan leaves? that is there "solar panel" as some say here. that is how they absorb sun for the most part if you cut those they loose a large amount of ability to take in more sun light. also there are many many factors as to why the buds are so small.
usually it will say on the bottle __ mg .... you understand? .... if you take like 6 or 7 and you smoke a joint you will be fucked up or some kind of buzz
thank you for the post! i have gotten off them once before but relapsed cause im an idiot hahaha but it is true!.... im going to quebec city for one week, i will be normal when i get back!