when you shield them from the sun or they arnt in direct sunlight the plant has to grow more to find the light thats why it gets so big sometimes :joint:
well we have some bubblegum seeds i got from a QC head shop and i saved em and put them in with a bag of seeds so we just germed all and now we have a bakers dozen or so of plants. the bad weather actually just made our plants go purple! so now it looks even more chronic
frost isnt the best for it lol but it makes your bud turn a shade of purple sometimes at least thats what it did to my lower branches this year im pumped for the crop!
its because there are so many factors that it could be, sometimes yellow leaves just means the plant is growing and its making room for new leaves and it doesnt need it. dont worry man your just a paranoid stoner........ we all are haaha
get a large bucket and collect rain water or fill that bucket up and let it sit in the sun for 3 or 4 days to let everything in it evapourate. that method works best for me