Depends on the pheno, I think. At first, I thought my pheno was going to be a low rider. Turned out she's a crazy lank skank and she prefers a short veg. I think I could get a better pheno for her that was less stretchy and produced mostly dominant colas, but my first attempt was not the pheno...
Please do! Its either that or I do some tinctures. I need to do something with it b/c its just sitting there. Mostly I just cook with it and make .5g hash capsules. I'm not looking to start a pharmacy tho lol.
It is dry ice hash, and thank you for the heads up! Did you mix it with trim and bud...
That's some lovely stuff right there! Has anyone ever tried running butane through hash? I have a small extractor, lots of trim and more hash than I know what to do with. I was thinking of mixing the hash with the trim and running some butane through it. Thoughts?
It sounds like you're onto the concept. Consider starting to crop earlier in veg, not just when it seems like you need to because height is becoming an issue. "Down and Out!"
Good day peeps off to work!