I forget, but someone was telling me of their Rhizotonic vs Roots Excelurator. Here are my Rhizotonic roots after week 4 Veg.
I bet R.E from H&G produce similarly beautiful roots. But I just don't see a reason to switch. Just look at that beautiful Rhizome.
More great advice. ^^
Yea the fan is decent. It's the only Infitebreeze I have and it hasn't broken yet. Not sure about the warranties, and I don't know if they come in 21" size, which is my favorite.
Air King's have 2 year warranty and move a ton of air in the 21" size.
They raise and...
Dude I hear you. Word is the biggest sponsors won most categories. I'm real sorry, need to get this $ to you.
Been so busy, potting all day for the next 2 days, if you come up I could have the check at the disp. waiting for you.
No way I could only enter one variety. No way to decide which is best. I would have to enter one for each category..
And for that, it's best to get a booth and receive 50% off all entries.
Can't make it. Too much to do this weekend. what with transplanting, trimming and potting clones.
I really couldn't afford an entrance in to the cup. Other things to spend $5,000 on. Our herb does a
great job selling itself and we pride ourselves on grassroots and word of mouth customer...
It's all me brother. I have one assistant who helps me trim and transplant. It's a lot of work.
Which is why the journal is lacking content lately. I try to update when there are dramatic changes, other than that it's hard enough to keep up with inventory.
Spinosad, Azamax and Ed Rosenthol's has been working very well. All inspections show very little signs of Mites. Most remnant eggs which I will be following very closely.
Plenty of happenings today. Noticed a few patches of Spider Mite gatherings. Bastards. This warm weather really brings them out, i would suggest everyone do a thorough check in their gardens. Used plenty of Ed Rosenthols and Spinosad today.
Who are you arguing with. Take that shit elsewhere. Enjoy running your OPF. I certainly do. And you like most people mistakenly call it "Amendment 20" when in fact it was just the 20th question on the ballot to vote on. It is officially known as Article 14 of Section XVIII, that is where...