I went back and read through the last page and couldn't find what nutrient you are talking about at 20 ml/gal. A buddy tried what nutes? ;)
When I first used the SP I used half dose beacuase I was a little spooked to add the full dose, but the last two times I added the full suggested dose...
Ya there is no doubt that they are growing faster than I have ever experienced. I agree, the nute experiment would be cool. I think though I would have to run the same strain. I want to run two strains, one in each tray unless ofcourse I find two strains like the papaya and mango that grow...
I knoiw how you feel Lacey, I have run 3 journals and am doing a less infromative 4th, but I don't post near as much as I used to. I thnk it is cool to just post some update pics and help others that may need advice here and there.
So it is day 8 of flower and I can believe how much they are stretching, the mango and papaya is 4' tall and the ocs is 3'. The pk is about 2'6", so I have one tray that is very un-even. I am not sure if it is the CO2, but the plants seem able to get closer to the lights without showing any...
ips bud.
I have been trying straight coco and have roots in 10 days, but I just bought this new aero cloner, so I feel like I need to use it. I have seen those plugs witht he split, but haven't really checkd them out. I also though of using croutons in basket than plug the basket into the...
lol, I was waiting for that question. I started with coco and was thinking of using coco chips in the trays, but didn't want the mess. Next round I will either do coco in smart pots and silicate rock or straight rw with the coutons in the trays. My issue is how to move a clone from the aero...
Thanks for the information Drip. I have one more question. How do you control odor with the ac? Doesn't the exhaust carry the odor out of the room? Just something I have been thinking about.
Thaks Hulk! I like the coco coir in the ef, the smart pots keep the coco in. No coco comes out, only roots.
Thanks Bro, your shit is dialed too man. very very nice set-up.
You know man, I don't top if I don't have to. I topped my all my plants last round and the yeild was substatialy less...
Damn Boomer, Nice work!! That looks like some dank bud you got there my friend. Have you pumped the ppms of the co2 up to kill bugs at all? I am wondering how high and long you have to get it up.
Nice work Jig! I love the harvest pics. It's funny you are glad when it's done, but then you can't wait for the next one. lol The buds look amazing though man.
Damn man, those ladies are looking great. I haven't been by for minute and wow, so many additions. I thought I was bad about always adding something. How much heat does the dehum put out? Mine is like a damn heater. I also wanted to ask if you have tried upping the CO2 to kill bugs yet? I...
Been a while since I've stopped by. It is always nice to see the progression after a few weeks. It's like pressing fast forward. Anyway girl, looks like you are gonna have a great harvest. Very nicely done! Congrats!
Those plants look like they are really comming around after the weather issues. You'r gonna have some trees for sure man. The pk harvest looks good too man, I am suprised how decent the pk turned out even witht he lack of attention. I can see you dreams comming true in the future, I love...
LOL, cool we are on the same page.:mrgreen:
That is cool man, how do you like the mango? I love it at night, mellows me right out. I usually do a scrog with the screen, but because of the long veg time the screen is basically for support this round. I still did soem supercropping and a...
Welcome BR, thank you. Good to see have you along for another run.
Damn, I guess I never mentioned that part huh? I flippped them 5 days ago:roll: LOL Welcome
LOL What up Chronic? Good to see ya Bro. I am excited to see how the ladies like the new digs, so far they look very...
Welcome TLD my mentor. good to have you aboard :)
We did start at the same time and I have to say you have grown some amazing bud from the start. Like you man, I am always trying to improve quality and yeild. I appreciate the props B.